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BadgeUnstyled API

Documentação da API para o componente React BadgeUnstyled . Aprenda sobre as propriedades disponíveis e a API CSS.


import BadgeUnstyled from '@mui/core/BadgeUnstyled';
// ou
import { BadgeUnstyled } from '@mui/core';
Você pode aprender sobre a diferença lendo este guia sobre como minimizar o tamanho do pacote.


Props of the nativo component are also available.

anchorOrigin{ horizontal: 'left'
| 'right', vertical: 'bottom'
| 'top' }
{ vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'right', }
The anchor of the badge.
The content rendered within the badge.
The badge will be added relative to this node.
Sobrescreve ou extende os estilos aplicados para o componente. Veja a API CSS abaixo para maiores detalhes.
The component used for the root node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
components{ Badge?: elementType, Root?: elementType }{}
The components used for each slot inside the Badge. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
The props used for each slot inside the Badge.
If true, the badge is invisible.
Max count to show.
| 'rectangular'
Wrapped shape the badge should overlap.
Controls whether the badge is hidden when badgeContent is zero.
A variante a usar.

O ref é encaminhado para o elemento raiz.


Nome da regraClasse globalDescrição
root.MuiBadge-rootStyles applied to the root element.
badge.MuiBadge-badgeClass name applied to the badge `span` element.
dot.MuiBadge-dotClass name applied to the badge `span` element if variant="dot".
standard.MuiBadge-standardClass name applied to the badge `span` element if variant="standard".
anchorOriginTopRightRectangular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopRightRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }} overlap="rectangular".
anchorOriginBottomRightRectangular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomRightRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }} overlap="rectangular".
anchorOriginTopLeftRectangular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopLeftRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }} overlap="rectangular".
anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomLeftRectangularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }} overlap="rectangular".
anchorOriginTopRightCircular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopRightCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'right' }} overlap="circular".
anchorOriginBottomRightCircular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomRightCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'right' }} overlap="circular".
anchorOriginTopLeftCircular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopLeftCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'top', 'left' }} overlap="circular".
anchorOriginBottomLeftCircular.MuiBadge-anchorOriginBottomLeftCircularClass name applied to the badge `span` element if anchorOrigin={{ 'bottom', 'left' }} overlap="circular".
invisible.MuiBadge-invisiblePseudo-class aplicada a the badge `span` element se invisible={true}.

Você pode sobrescrever o estilo do componente usando uma dessas opções de customização:
